Events Programme
There are fliers on the table inside the church door and posters on the noticeboards of our updated events programme.
Any queries or suggestions please email
Forthcoming events
Saturday 8th February - 7pm - Hadstock Silver Band
Tickets £12.50 including refreshments
Sunday 23rd February - 3pm - Vintage afternoon tea and talk
Tickets £12. All proceeds to Convoy4Ukraine - delivering humanitarian aid to Ukraine
Saturday 29th March - 7.30pm - concert - The Kitchen Choir
Tickets £12.50 including refreshments
Saturday 12th April - come and sing; Chilcott - St John Passion
Sunday 27th April - Tea tasting - 3pm
Ticket to include afternoon tea
Saturday 17th May - bingo evening
Friday 6th June 2025 to Sunday 8th June 2025 - Flower Festival
Saturday 5th July - come and sing evensong
Saturday 19th July - Tudor Event
Saturday 27th September - Auction of Promises
Monthly Coffee Mornings
We have started having monthly coffee mornings in the church on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am-12noon.
The forthcoming dates are:
15th February
15th March
19th April
17th May - Christian Aid
21st June
19th July
16th August - Mother's Union
20th September
18th October - Friends
15th November
20th December
About Events at St Mary's
We have a thriving Events Committee which organises events with the aim of having fun together and blessing those in our local community.
The Events Committee is a sub-committee of the PCC whose remit is to support the social life of the church and provide fund raising events. We have a very active committee of people who really enjoy each other’s company and arranging events as diverse as: curry and pudding evenings, day trips and a murder mystery evening.
A large part of our function is to support the service pattern of our church by arranging to bring and share meals and refreshments after key services such as the Christmas carol service.
We are always happy to welcome those who would like to help at events.
Please contact us using this email: